Friday, November 16, 2012

Buyers in the Inland Empire-Here are a few things you need before moving into your property     Joan Patterson, Realtor, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca

Buyers in the Inland Empire-and everywhere actually!  This is for you when you have purchased your home.  Here are a few things you should do before moving into your home.

I always tell my buyers when they are buying with me in the Inland Empire of Southern California, that the very first thing they need to do is to have the locks changed.  You don't know who has a key to the prior lock and you certainly would not want anyone coming in to your new home unexpectedly.

The second thing I would tell you is to have an exterminator come in to make sure there are no critters in your home (including the attic).  Spiders, and other bugs can be inside and you may not know it.  So, I would do this as the next step.

Have your home's carpet steam cleaned now before you move all your furniture into it.  You can also have your tile and grout cleaned.  It is always easier than having to move your furniture.  I would do it before moving in.

Check your circuit breaker too.  It is always important to know what turns what off and on.  If you had a home inspection, your inspector should have looked at this and told you if it was labeled properly so that would make things easier for you.  I always recommend a home inspection to be performed before you even get very far into your escrow.

Find out where your water main is to your home.  This is very important.  You just never know when you may have to turn it off.  I have had to do that at my home for various reasons and it was good to know!

Of course, you should do all the normal cleaning under sinks and cabinets.  Make sure there are no water leaks.  This too, should have been found on your physical inspection.  But, things happen sometimes, so it does not hurt to do this while you are cleaning everything out.

That should do it!  Good luck, and if I can help you find a home anywhere in the Inland Empire, please give me a call at 951-204-1864!  I look forward to helping you!

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty
8250 White Oak Avenue, Ste 102
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

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