Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Forclosures will be worse in 2011 is the Prediction from Realtytrac

The prediction is that 2011 is going to be the worst year yet for foreclosures.  There are so many homeowners right now that are behind on their payments.  I read an article from Realytrac that the numbers are close to 5 million homeowners who are behind in their payments.

Realtytrac predicts 1.2 million more homes will be taken back.  This number is up from 2010 which was 1 million homes.  People are losing their jobs and are having a hard time refinancing due to the more stringent guidelines that the lenders are imposing.  California leads in the numbers of foreclosures to other states.

We are in a mess America.  We need to get jobs back here so OUR people can work so OUR people can support their families.

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