Thursday, December 27, 2012

How Many Standard Sale Single Family Homes Are There In Rancho Cucamonga To date?


Joan Patterson, B.A, G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647

As of today, 12/27/12, there are 134 single family homes for sale in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.  This does not cover any town homes or condos.  Of the 134 single family homes are are available, 89 of them are standard sales.  

Let me know if I can help you with selling your home, or buying!

Happy New Year!

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I get asked questions all the time and here is one that I just answered from a seller-

My suggestion to you is this, have your agent run a comparative market analysis to see if you home is over priced.  If your home is not over priced, then maybe it does not show well.  These are just two of the answers I can say right off the bat.  I would have to come over to see what your home looks like and also see what your situation is.  

Are you doing a short sale possibly?  If so, this is crazy it has taken over 2 years.  There is something just not right.  I would love to get together to discuss what is going on.


Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty

Rising Profits From Rental Properties


Daily Real Estate News | Tuesday, December 18, 2012 

Rental income produced by residential properties rose 12 percent year-over-year in September 2012, CoreLogic reports.
“The rapid growth in rental income is a byproduct of fundamental shifts in the housing market, driven by a large increase in affordable investment properties and rising rents,” CoreLogic reports.
This residential investment will contribute to additional economic growth. "Overall market uncertainty can be reduced further by a reduction in mortgage risk, investment-driven economic recovery, and further clarity on housing policies, leading to more sustainable profits and outcomes for real estate and housing finance," CoreLogic reports.

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647

Keller Williams Realty


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thoroughbred Christmas Lights, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Very sad that people have to put signs up to keep people off their lawns on Thoroughbred Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

Here in Rancho Cucamonga, we are so lucky to have a very festive place to go to for Christmas lights.  It can be so very fun for the family to come and make an evening to tour the Christmas lights and spend time together.  What used to be a little bit of traffic has really grown over the years.  This has been going on now for over 25 years now.  The lights on Thoroughbred started out with a few residents having kind of a war over their Christmas lights.  From there, it just blossomed into everyone on the street joining in.

I actually live on this street.  I have lived here now for 12 years and it started out being a lot of fun, but over the years, we have had a lot of bad things happen.  It is so sad that I see signs on neighbor's yards to KEEP OFF THE GRASS...I thought when I first moved here that certainly parents would control their children and would not let them go on the grass, but boy was I wrong.  Parents seem to think this is Disneyland and let their kids run all over people's yards.  Lights get broken etc.  I have found diapers that are poopy in my driveway, beer cans, trash, you name it.  People are loud and scream and don't seem to think that people actually live here and may have to get up for work the next day.  They won't even let me get into my driveway if they see my blinker on, they get mad and refuse to move.  I don't know what is wrong with people these days, but this has gotten out of control.

I am not saying that everyone is bad that comes on our street.  There are the folks who really appreciate all that we have to endure during the Christmas season.  If we are not home by 5, it can take us a while to get into our own homes.

Believe it or not, I still love the festivities that go on, and we still love putting up the lights for the ones that truly appreciate it.  We still have a security guard that most of the neighbors pitch in for because over the years we have had people steal things out of yards which is terrible too.  But, we knew it could not be all lollipops and cotton candy when we moved here.  Speaking of that, there are a lot of people that sell things too which for me, takes the joy out of families coming to see the lights.  It has gotten very commercial with people trying to capitalize on selling their goods...oh well, what are you going to do?  I still try to be in the Christmas spirit no matter what!

If you want to come see some lights, please make sure you allow for a wait in your car and take little ones to the bath room before you get up here.  The lights are located off of Sapphire and Thoroughbred.  The police direct traffic on the weekend, and there are signs as to which way it will be directed this year.  Every year it changes.  Expect to wait in line sometimes over an hour on the weekends.  Merry Christmas and remember, people do live in these homes, so please be courteous and pick up your trash and try to not yell and scream too much lol!

That's all we ask is that people be courteous...

Merry Christmas,

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What Woman Inspires You?

I was recently interviewed by The National Association of Woman REO Brokerages as to what woman was inspirational to me and they posted that all here.  Of course, it was my mom.  She told me to never settle for less than I deserve in life.  She was always there for me through good and bad times in my life.  She not only laughed with me, but cried as well.  I am lucky enough to still have her in my life.  I cherish these days we still have on this earth together.

If I can help you buy or sell real estate, give me a call 951-204-1864 or visit one of my websites-

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How Soon Can You Buy a Home After A Bankruptcy or a Short Sale?

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty

I get asked this question all the time, how long do I have to wait to buy a home if I have filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Typically, it is ONLY 2 years after filing your bankruptcy-which this is not bad.

Another question that I get asked all the time is how long do I need to wait to purchase a home after I have had a short sale on my home?  The answer to this is 3 years.  I know many people will tell you 2 years, but typically it is 3 years.  Of course, this depends on your credit as well if you have more collections on your credit report etc.

If I can help you with any of your real estate needs in the Inland Empire, just give me a call!

Joan Patterson, B.A, G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Call for Action: Do No Harm to housing

We need to take action and write letters to Congress. They keep threatening to take it away.  What else will they take away and tax us more on?  Help us preserve this.

Call for Action: Do No Harm to Housing

By now you have seen numerous news reports concerning the “Fiscal Cliff.”  Many of these reports speculate that a change to the long-standing policy that allows homeowners to deduction mortgage interest payment from their income taxes could be part of a “Fiscal Cliff” deal.

NAR's position is that the mortgage interest deduction is vital to the stability of the American housing market and economy and we will remain vigilant in opposing any future plan that modifies or excludes the deductibility of mortgage interest.

Please send the short message below to your Senators and Member of Congress to remind them where REALTORS® stand and that we will be watching to see who stands with us.

Dear [Decision Maker],
I am writing to you, as a constituent and as a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, concerning an issue of critical importance to the United States housing market and the economy.

As my elected official, it is imperative you remain vigilant in opposing any plan that modifies or excludes the deductibility of mortgage interest.The mortgage interest deduction is vital to the stability of the American housing market and economy.

I am sending this message to ask you to stand with 70 million American homeowners. I will be watching to see who stands with us.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

Thanks for helping!

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty
8250 White Oak Avenue, Ste 102
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New Changes if You Have Loans with GSEs, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac!

There have been some changes recently which can be very beneficial if you wish to do a short sale.  I wish they had been available a long time ago!

Via Paddy Deighan, J.D. Ph.D:
There was some rather good news for home owners who have loans with GSEs Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac!
If you have a hardship, loss of job, divorce, change in financial circumstance from medical or family issue, etc., you can now be considered for a short sale even if you have not missed a mortgage payment.
Freddie and Fannie will now have the same requirements and procedures. This was not true in the past.
This is great news, especially for people who have a sudden change in their circumstances and can no longer afford their mortgages, but do not want to have their credit ruined in order to be able to sell their home.
So, if you have a change in your circumstances which will change your financial picture, and you want to sell your home without ruining your credit, you may have an opportunity to do this.
This would be a tremendous benefit to many home owners. Yet, this good news seems to have gone overlooked as I spoke with two real estate agents this week that advised that there clients wanted to do a short sale but they (home owners) were current. In both scenarios the home owners DID have hardship and this is still necessary.  Apparently, the agents had assumed that since the sellers had to short sell, that they were delinquent. Certainly many if not most home owners that need a short sale ARE delinquent, but not all of them.
Income and value of the home are also not fatal to a short sale with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac and this seems to be another misconception. I was approached today by a real estate agent from Florida and she believed that we could not get a short sale approved because the home owner had pretty good income. However, after review of the home owner’s situation, his income was good but his expenses were high and he did have hardship so we can now process the short sale when it was otherwise believed that the home owner did not “qualify”.
Paddy Deighan J.D. Ph.D

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647
Keller Williams Realty
8250 White Oak Avenue, Ste 102
Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730

Monday, December 3, 2012

White Walls Are Boring!

Joan Patterson, B.A., G.R.I., Realtor, License #01431647

Good morning to you all!

Just a suggestion when listing your home, there are many agents that will tell you to paint your home on  the interior all white like this-
But, isn't this boring?  Really boring....

So, if I were to come into this house and talk with my sellers, I would tell them that they should maybe add a little pizzaz to this place.  I think all white is really REALLY boring and looks almost like a hospital-very does look clean and that is a good thing, but it needs color.

I would suggest different art work on the walls with colors-like reds and purples...maybe some throw pillows on the couch, a colorful rug...a colorful bedspread.  And, yes, while the walls will still be a white color, the furniture does not get lost.

I am also a home stager and can help you get your home sold by helping you with these items as well.

Give me a call today, 951-204-1864 or visit my web site at

